Some things are hard to ignore yo.
LOST was off the CHAINZ tonight!!! Do any of yall watch that? You should. It's a great television program.
Tonight was fun. I got some noodz with some of my roomates and Molly and Ali. Those girls are nuts. In a fun way.
Molly: When I'm murderin' and gang bangin' I like to park in front of people's driveways so they can't get away.
Yeah. I know.
I don't think I like the people that I work with anymore. All of the ones I was friends with are gone or don't get scheduled to work with me. It kinda blows.
The Super Nintendo is back in the house. No one will ever play Ms. Pacman with me because they're afraid of getting their asses whooped. So if you're reading this and want a challenge... come over to my crib and play me in that shit. Literally everyone I know sucks at that game compared to me. It's not even fun anymore.
the idea of moving to hang out with you is becoming more and more appealing everyday.
how's the weather in your parts?
doood, screw your skillz. i've played x-box for years, tony hawk anyone?
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