Jean-Baptist was just here and managed to fucking rage his way through this town all weekend.
The day of our show at VGR, him and Lucas woke up and immediately started downing an entire bottle of CanSup.
THEN they arrive to the show wasted and start screaming and just being generally loud. A group of girls walked by...
''Jean-Baptist: Heeeeey girls. WAT UP''
Girls: Uh..hi... *continue walking*
Jean-Baptist: Aha... YOU UGLY
Jean-Baptist: Fucking... UGLY. Don't EVER come back here''
I look over and Lucas is cracking up and he grabs JB and they go fucking running away. I walk up to Jayson and I'm like ''Where the hell did they go?'' Jayson responds with ''Aha... they just went to get more liquor dude.''
Apparantly JB went and bought a bottle of Sailor Jerry's rum and Lu went and got a bottle of grapefruit juice. They then met under a tree where JB poured the entire bottle of rum into the juice bottle and then non-chalantly tossed the liquor bottle over his shoulder and into a bush.
They returned to the lawn where the bands were playing and were clearly drunk... the rest of their time there they were rolling around on the grass...dancing like retards... pushing people... stepping on people's feet who were in wheelchairs... hurling this bottle of liquor to each other every 5 seconds and taking huge pulls out of it. Lucas was yelling at some guy who looked like J Mascis, demanding that he play Dinosaur Jr. songs... and then he yelled at some other band that drove from Iowa or some shit.
Referring to a bunch of 30-something french pussies who just played a noise show... and whom later on (after making fun of how Jean-Baptist was too drunk) passed out wasted on a porch, couldn't walk or figure out how to smoke out of a bowl.
Anyways... me and JJ had to get Jean-Baptist out of there because he was about to get the cops called on him and we didn't want to try and get Lucas out because we all thought he would try to kick our ass if we even talked to him.
I get Jean-Baptist inside... give him his fast food that we picked up for him. He goes into the bathroom and pukes then comes out and wolfs down his sandwich and the whole time he's screaming about how fucked up he is. Then he goes to bed...
I sit on the porch for a while to make sure he doesn't come outside and wander off anywhere. I look down the street and fucking Lucas is SKIPPING down to the house, laughing his ass off at god knows what, and screaming non-English jibberish. Sam is walking ten feet behind him smoking a cigarette and just following him.
Lucas jumps onto the porch and yells ''BIBLEDY GOOKAKAKA'' or something... disappears into the house and passes out.
What the fffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Anyways me and Sam ended up going back to see the rest of the bands and then went to the afterparty. We woke Jean-Baptist up at about midnight (he had passed out drunk at 8:oo p.m.)... he was asleep in my old room with no pants on but his shoes were for some reason still on. LOL
But he stands up and gets dressed and he's ready to go out again to this party... everyone at the party is like ''holy shit, i thought you were dead'' and ''omg you were that stupid asshole rolling around in the grass''... Jean-Baptist didn't remember any of it and thought it was hilarious that all these people knew him and he didn't even remember seeing them.
Our show went over pretty well ... we messed up a few parts but overall I think we did a good job. It was hard to get our levels and make sure we were all synched up, but everyone seemed to like it.
And sadly Jean-Baptist is gone :(
The night before that show we went to a dance party at The Heorat and jb was trying to push ugly chicks onto me who kept dancing up on him. asshole.
Anyways... that's probably the last time most of us will see him before he goes back to Paris but I'm going to plan a trip out there before next year. Since I'll be roomates with Sam and Cory I don't think I need to worry about my funds and shitty roomates fucking me over.
I want your life. Time for me to visit.
i love this story.
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